Your GymMaster Guide

Introducing our Booking System called “GymMaster”, Your key to easy studio access and booking! In this guide, we have everything you need to know to start your Achieve Journey.

GymMaster Member App

Your personal club app for scheduling bookings, classes, keeping up-to-date & more.
It’s more than just a normal gym app for viewing your workout routine and tracking body progress. The GymMaster members app makes it easier than ever to plan your fitness sessions alongside your schedule, keep in the loop with club notifications, manage your gym membership and much more – all from your android or iOS device.

How to Join a Club & Book a Class (New Members)

How to Book a Class For Members

How to Cancel A Class Booking

How to View Your Membership Benefits

How to Request a M’ship Pause/Hold

How to Pay an Outstanding Balance

Having Trouble with GymMaster?

Send us an email at and we’ll help you resolve your gymmaster issues.